Sunday, August 8, 2010


Life is too short. It feels as if one day you are doing one thing and finally getting use to it and the next it is five years down the road. I am not one who encourages regrets, i think every expierence good or bad is one to learn from, and i try to not have regrets. of course there are things i wish i could change but who doesnt have those, and in my opinion those are different then regrets. Anyways the reason i bring up regrets is because i do not ever want to regret not telling someone i love them. as a friend, as more then a friend, as a sister, a mother, a son, a father, a doggy, anything. Two months ago a girl i knew of, one who was close with my sisters and a lot of people i am connected with committed suicide. She was a senior in highschool and well loved by EVERYONE and yet she took her own life. No one knows why she did and no one will every understand except God, well tonight my youngest sister and i went to her facebook page and were just reading the post people are still leaving on her wall. It makes my heart hurt. I am sitting here sobbing justtrying to catch my breath because i can not imagine if i were her sister or brother or mother or father or friend. I only knew of this girl and it is tragic and so emotional. i am sure my sister being close with her and watching her go through so much pain and confusion at such a young age has some to do with it but regardless. Basically I just wanted to tell you I love you. If i have ever been mad at you or we have gotten in a fight or we do not get a long, i love you and you have impacted my life in someway. I challenge you all to tell someone you love them, and mean it. dont be affraid to love. dont be affraid to live. if you wont live your life, no one will, so live your life and love.Life is too short. RIP Tinu.RIP.