Saturday, July 10, 2010

God's Canvas

I have always believed that a relationship with God is an extremely personal thing, I believe there are a time and a place to say things like "God loves you" and "He is always there" and whatnot, but I feel like those times are few and far apart. I am not knocking the people who do believe everyday should be like that, to each their own, yet in my opinion people are more willing to hear and listen about God as well as engage as conversation if the start by questioning why you live differently. That being said, I feel that so many times saying "God is right here with us" is unneeded because other people feel it too, they just might not know what it is yet, soon they will question though. You can't run from God. You can deny it is God, and you can choose to believe that God's whispers are other things, but they really are always there. The reason I am saying this today is because I simply feel I need to say it. Throughout my entire pregnancy and parenting Landon this far, God has had his hand over my family and I. (Landon obvs. being a part of my family) And as soon as I have started to worry or fear God shows himself stronger. Maybe it is because I am looking harder, but I am not positive of that. This last week Landon and I moved upstairs. we had been in the basement which was about... 20 steps to get to and his things and my things were all down there, except we couldn't survive down there, everything else was upstairs and we had to come up to leave the house. Well yesterday I dislocated my knee again. Only worse. It is half and inch away from where it is suppose to be and is tilted. I am on crutches and in a huge brace cast thing and get an MRI this coming thursday. I am able to push landon around in his stroller and have everything I need in the bottom part. I have figure out how I can take some steps, push the stroller, take some more and etc.. Of course I am in pain and wish this was not the case, but who am I to complain? I can take care of Landon and I can take care of myself for the most part. The world really is God's canvas.